Remote Work / Telecommuting

The IT team has developed a new process for working remotely.
To use this new process, visit
Login to this site using your RCU credentials.  Make sure you follow securely work from home guidelines

Once you’ve logged in you should see a list of on campus computers that you can access

App-A and Cams3 should be familiar to you.  Remote1 will be our replacement for Cams3 in the near future.  Selecting on one of these will connect you to that computer. Please note that this is an on campus computer within the web browser so you will need to pay close attention.  

You will see double Start Menus and double browser windows if your home computer is a Windows machine (please see images below) 

In order to log out of Remote1 please select on the Person icon then select Sign Out.

When you have signed off of a computer you will be prompted to go back to the Home page (where computers are listed on the site), Reconnect (to the current computer you were connected to), or Logout of the website completely.